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銘文:「行氣,深則蓄、蓄則伸、伸則下、下則定、定則固、固則萌、萌則長、長則退、退則天、天幾舂在上、地幾舂在下。順則生、逆則死。」 (蓄、伸、下、定、固、萌、長、退、天九個字重用) 原拓片見《三代吉金文存》卷二十。全文為:「行氣,深則蓄,蓄則伸,伸則下,下則定,定則固,固則萌,萌則長,長則退,退則天。天幾舂在上;地幾舂在下。順則生;逆則死。」

內文有近十幾種不同的解釋與字形辨識 茲將常見不同字形內文列舉如下: 行氣 深(吞)則蓄 蓄則伸(神) 伸(神)則下 下則定 定則固 固則萌(明) 萌(明)則長 長則退(復)  退(復)則天 天幾(機)舂在上 地幾(機)舂在下 順(從)則生 逆則死



這是深呼吸的一個回合。吸氣深入則會增加量,使其向下伸展。 向下伸展時,則定而固;然後呼出,如草木之萌芽,向上生長,與深入時的徑路相反而退進,退到頂端。 這樣天機就向上移動,地機就向下移動。 順此行之則生,若逆此行之則死。

English Translation:


This is a round of deep breathing. Breathing in deeper will increases the volume and stretches it downward. When it expands downward, it is firm and solid; Then it exhales, like the sprout of grass and trees growing upward. Go backward in the opposite direction of the path you took when going deep. In this way, the heavenly machine moves upward and the earth machine moves downward. If you follow this path you will live; if you go against it, you will die.